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Early Learning

children singing with motions at storytime

A child's education starts long before they enter a classroom. Listening to fun stories, singing songs, and talking to one another are the habits that provide the foundation for developing strong reading and listening skills. The Library provides a wide range of materials and early learning experiences for the youngest of visitors in Reading Ready, an initiative modeled after Every Child Ready to Read, an education program by the Association for Library Service to Children and the Public Library Association.

Early Learning Programs and Initiatives

Reading Ready Time

This recorded virtual program incorporates 5 skills of early literacy learning – reading, writing, talking, singing, and playing, helping caregivers and educators prepare young children for success in school and in life. Special guests share music, dance, and stories helping to build vocabulary and background knowledge. Designed for children 3-6 years old, Reading Ready Time runs throughout the school year. All episodes are available on our YouTube channel.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program promotes early learning skills by rewarding parents and caregivers for reading aloud to their children. Prizes are awarded for reading 100, 500, and 1,000 books. At 1,000 books, every child receives a hardback picture book! Parents and caregivers can register at any Library location. Research shows that reading aloud to young children can significantly improve their chance for success in kindergarten and beyond.

My First Library Card

My First Library Card is for young children from birth through age six (6). With this card, you and your child may borrow up to 25 children's books fine free! Learn more about My First Library Cards.

Bunny Book Bags

Bunny Book Bags are grab-and-go bags of books for caregivers on the move. Read and return them fine free! There are also Baby Bunny Book Bags with board books and Spanish Bunny Bags. No two bags are alike! Limit two bags per check-out.

On the Road to Reading

Itty Bitty bookmobiles visit childcare centers and preschools throughout Marion County! Staff provide offsite service like delivering bags of age-appropriate books, presenting storytime, or providing resources to parents and childcare providers. Interested in a visit? Contact Us.

Professional Development for Early Childhood Providers

The Library provides customized professional development workshops for childcare and preschool programs upon request. Contact the programming department or more information.

More Programs to Help Kids get Reading Ready

We have programs for early learners from storytime to lego clubs to puppet show and more! See our full schedule of programs for kids.

More Resources to Help Kids get Reading Ready

Enjoy video picture book read alouds, online activities, online storytime and more. Browse all our online storytimes.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit our StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Save the date for our new StoryWalk opening at the Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park at Newfields on April 19, 2025. Learn more about StoryWalks.

Early Literacy Activity Calendars

You have been your child's teacher from the day they were born. Whether your child is four days old or four years old, it's not too early or late to help them develop pre-reading skills. You can help your child with language and literacy skills using simple and fun activities like those in these printable calendars.

January English (.pdf)
January Spanish (.pdf)

February English (.pdf)
February Spanish (.pdf)

March English (.pdf)
March Spanish (.pdf)

April English (.pdf)
April Spanish (.pdf)

May English (.pdf)
May Spanish (.pdf)

June Coming Soon!

Resources for Learning Online

young girl with headphones on using a computer

You can use your Library card to access these online learning platforms that provide age appropriate stories, songs, and games for early learners to practice some of the habits that provide the foundation for developing strong reading and listening skills.

Early World of Learning

Preschool and early elementary students can learn to read through stories, songs, and games.


LOTE4Kids is a collection of picture books (e-books and e-audiobooks) in over 70 world languages with an English version available for all books. For ages 3-8. There is a mobile app for both Apple and Android devices.

Tumblebook Library

The TumbleBook Library is for readers Pre-K through grade 6. Enjoy Tumblebook read alongs in a computer browser or use the Tumblebook Library app. If you have never borrowed from the Tumblebook Library before here is a Tumblebooks video tutorial to help you get started. The best thing about Tumblebooks – there are no loan limits and no waiting!

Staff Picks 2024 - Best of Picture Books

Our staff share some of their favorite picture books from 2024 - from beautiful to funny, we hope there is something for you and your littlest readers to enjoy!

The Yellow Bus

Long, Loren

A touching story about an object many of us come into contact with every day, a yellow school bus. The author/illustrator's use of color is splendid in drawing the focus to the bus and its occupants. The "life"/conservation of this bus is pretty lovely and full of wonder, love, and more. I think this could be used in an elementary story time, perhaps related to conservation, but to be fully appreciated I think it would be best enjoyed sharing with one or two observant littles who delight in noticing small details." Recommended by IndyPL_JaredW, Public Services Librarian, and 3 other staff.

Treehouse Town

Sterer, Gideon

Treehouse Town is an incredible picture book that depicts a Uptonian world built by children and their imagination. Children and adults alike will want to spend time with this picture book, and revisit it often to notice all the little details hidden in Mylie's illustrations and to spend time in such an idyllic paradise. I know I can't wait to visit Treehouse Town again! Recommended by IndyPL_RyanL, Public Services Librarian, and 2 other staff.

It Bears Repeating


They had me at the punny title! But peek inside to find a distinctive, awe-inspiring Arctic story that can be enjoyed many times over. Experience a day in the life of polar bears, and count them, one to ten, in Inuktitut and English. The bears appear shaped as wood carvings and pop from the page in bright and soft colored pencil by artist Cee Pootoogook, a carver and printmaker from Nunavut. Don't miss author Tanya Tagaq's mesmerizing read-aloud video on her website. Recommended by IndyPL_KatieW, Public Services Librarian, and 2 other staff.

Reading Ready Logo

Reading Ready follows Every Child Ready to Read’s five practices: reading, singing, writing, talking, and playing. Research shows that when caregivers nurture these early literacy skills, children are more successful in Kindergarten. The initiative provides opportunities for all the small things caregivers can do with young children to promote literacy and lifelong learning.