Adults needing help with creating a resume, searching for a job or career online, or filling out an online job application are invited to receive free one-on-one assistance at several of our locations.
See our full listing of Career Centers and job related programs or browse our computer classes.
Use this online resume builder to create a professional resume in three steps. This program also walks you through the steps to create cover letters and reference sheets.
Learn relevant, professional, technology skills on LinkedIn Learning. Your library card gives you free unlimited access to classes in technology categories like cloud computing, data science, database management, IT help desk, mobile development, network and system administration, security, software development, and web development.
Use the Job and Career Accelerator to create your resume and cover letters, search for jobs, and explore careers. Also search for colleges and graduate schools and scholarships.
Need help? Call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. We are here to help you find what you need and make the most of Library resources
Automated resume readers are utilized by many employers, and it is important that your resume contains the right words so that it stands out - both to the humans and the computers reviewing it. Visit our blog to see how you can fine-tune your resume to get seen.
WorkOne Indy is Marion County's provider of state-level unemployment and career services. Take a look at their website for helpful links, workshops, and services related to job-seeker resources, training opportunities, job boards, and more.
Unemployment insurance is handled by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD). residents who have lost their job can find information and resources related to filing for unemployment insurance on the DWD website.
YES Indy is a program specifically designed to help young adults - age 16-25 - get the guidance and financial support they need to complete their education, train for a job, and get employed. Learn how they work with community partners to help.
The High School Equivalency, or HSE (formerly known as the GED), is an alternative for earning a high school diploma in Indiana. An HSE Diploma is considered a minimum requirement for many employers, and can be earned through Indiana's network of Adult Education Providers.
Want to reach that next level in your career? The library has training and resources to help! Check out this list of career specific test prep books, as well as databases for professional learning and continued education. As always, be sure to check with your professional licensing agency for the most up-to-date information about professional standards and requirements.
A perfect place to start for those looking to kick start a career in transportation. Contains information for drivers and covers material in the tests required by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
"Essential review and practice the TEAS--completely updated to reflect the changes in the revised exam Passing the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is required for admission to many nursing schools--and scoring well is essential when you're applying to the top programs." -- Publisher's description.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test (ASVAB for short) is used by the military to screen applicants and assign enlisted members to jobs based on their strengths. Find help preparing for your test in this straightforward and updated guide.
Get answers to reference questions, assistance with the catalog, research help, and more.
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