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Curbside Pickup

Place a hold, get notified when it is available, and call us before you pick it up - we can arrange contact-free curbside pickup at any location.

Curbside Pickup

Curbside Pickup Process:

  1. Place a hold by calling one of our locations or by logging into our online catalog. Make sure to confirm the pickup location to the branch of your choice. (You can edit your pickup location in My Settings > Account Preferences.)
  2. You will receive an email or text notification that your item(s) are available at your preferred Library location.
  3. Before you come pick up your materials, call your pickup location. You will be notified what to expect for pickup (each location may be a little different).
  4. Pick up your items following the instructions that you were provided. (Note: Please use the drop box for returning items - do not just leave returns where you picked up your new items.)
  5. Enjoy!

Questions? Call a curbside branch or take a look at our FAQ below.

How can I change the pick up location for my holds?

1. Log into 'My Account'.

2. Go to your 'On Hold' page under 'My Borrowing'.

3. Click on the current library ‘Pick up at’ drop down menu associated with the item for which you want to change the pickup location.

4. Select the branch you would like your holds sent to.

(NOTE: The pickup location for a hold can NOT be changed online once the item is in transit to the current pickup location OR if it’s already on the hold shelf awaiting pickup. If either of these is the case, you will need to call the location that has your hold so they can send it to the location you'd like.)

If there are no fines or late fees, do I really need to return my book within 21 days?

Libraries work best when everyone shares responsibly - so even if we do not have fines, we ask that you please honor our checkout time limits. If materials are not returned, after enough time passes we would consider the book "lost" and a bill would be sent to replace the item. And we definitely don't want to have to do that!

What if I do not have a vehicle? Can I walk up to get my books?

You can walk up to our buildings and call to let staff know you are ready to pick up your hold.

Can I donate books at a Library?

You may bring your donations (four boxes or less) to the Library Services Center, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, or your branch. The center is located at 2450 N. Meridian St. Please box your books (no bags and no loose donations) and close the boxes before donating.

Can I pause my holds until I am ready to start reading books from the library again?

Yes, you can pause your holds.

1. Login to My Account and select On Hold under My Borrowing. On Hold items that are Not Ready can be paused. Items that are Ready or In Transit may not be paused.

2. Click on “Pause hold” and select a date that you would like the hold to become active again.

3. If you have multiple holds that you would like to pause, select each item by placing a checkmark in the box to the left of the item you would like to pause.

4. After selecting the items you would like to pause, click on “Manage items” at the bottom of the page.

5. Click on “Pause holds” and select a date that you would like the holds become active again.

Go here for more details about pausing your holds.

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