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Learn a Language

Learning a new language with flashcards.

What does it take to become fluent? How would a person get started? Find answers to these and many other language related questions in the apps, books, audiobooks, and videos you can check out with your Library card. Browse our book list Want to Learn a Language or one of these digital language learning platforms.

Mango Languages

Mango Learn a Language App

If you have been thinking about picking up a new language, why not try a couple lessons on Mango? Mango, a language learning app, offers “70 world languages and dialects,” which is a really great way to get a feel for a new language. Mango uses a conversation-based approach by having you listen to a short conversation that is then broken down into individual words and phrases. There are several units in each language (People, Travel, Activities, Places, etc). Each unit has several chapters, and each chapter has several lessons.

Each lesson starts off with a simple conversation between 2 people, usually a woman and a man, introducing each word or phrase from that conversation one by one. Learners can record themselves and compare their audio with the native speaker.

Learning a language is not a stand-alone activity. Become more language proficient using Mango Languages to understand cultural subtleties. For instance, facial expressions and body language can allow you to have almost full conversations with the Turkish people. It is also nice to say "Ellerine sağlık!” in Turkish to someone who created something. It literally translates to “Health to your hands”, meaning you wish they continue using their hands to create interesting things.


Learn American Sign Language with video lessons from ASLdeafined. The content is for anyone who wishes to learn ASL, regardless of age. Login with your library card number and create an account. A mobile app is available for Apple and Android. The login you use for the main site will be the same login for the mobile app.


LOTE4Kids is a collection of picture books (e-books and e-audiobooks) in over 70 world languages with an English version available for all books. For ages 3-8. Mobile app for Apple and Android available.

Need help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations, call the Tinker Help Line at 317-275-4500, or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. We can help you connect with materials that will help you learn about the language(s) you want to explore!

This Tinker Station blog post was contributed by Shahlo Seidmedova, a Computer Lab Assistant at Central Library. Shay, whose native language is Uzbek, enjoys expanding her skills with languages and helping patrons utilize digital resources to learn and to accomplish their goals.

Conversational English

Looking to "brush up" on your English conversation skills? se these books and shows to develop vocabulary, try out new phrases, and gather skills to boost your confidence. Join us for one of our English Conversation Circles!

Perfect Phrases for ESL

Conversation Skills : Hundreds of Ready-to-use Phrases That Help You Express your Thoughts, Ideas, and Feelings in English Conversations of All Types

Engelhardt, Diane

Provides common responses for many situations, helpfully listed from casual to formal. Also includes tips on how to start and end conversations!

English for everyone

phrasal verbs

Booth, Thomas

Phrasal verbs are some of the hardest things you'll have to learn to master English! Get a head start on phrasal verbs with this guide.

English Conversation

Yates, Jean

This book "gives you helpful instruction on correct pronunciation, grammar, syntax, and word usage [...] Each section includes a series of exercises that gives you extra practice in using new concepts and encourages you to construct personalized conversations. The lessons will reassure even grammar-phobic learners that you can achieve a confident speaking style."