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Meet an Author, Be an Author

author fair participants

Our annual Meet an Author, Be an Author event will take place October 19, 2024 at Central Library. At the event, attendees can enjoy meeting authors, browsing/buying books at the author fair, attending writing workshops, and networking with published writers, aspiring writers, and fans! This event is great for anyone thinking about writing or publishing their work, or exploring the local literary scene. All are welcome to attend the event, network, and participate in workshops. The Local Author Book Fair will run from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

For those wishing to apply for a table to vend at the Local Author Book Fair, apply now to be a book vendor! Applications will be accepted through August 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Applications will be reviewed and authors notified of acceptance on or after September 13, 2024.

  1. Authors must live or work in Indiana.
  2. Applications will be accepted for authors published in 2021 or later, with priority given to authors who have published a work in 2023 or 2024 (you may have older books at your table, but must have a recently-published book to apply).
  3. Priority will also be given to authors who are new to this event, who have their books for sale in a local bookstore, and based on quality of work. Variety of genres and sub-genres may also be considered, as well as popularity and social media presence.

Made possible by Friends of the Library through gifts to The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation.

Practice your writing skills all year long. See our full listing of upcoming Writing Workshops!

Highlights from 2023

Writing and Creativity

Do you want to draft that novel or revise that story? One of the books on this list might help you see things in a new way.

Several Short Sentences About Writing

Klinkenborg, Verlyn

Klinkenborg writes, "Shape, form, structure, genre, the whole—these have a way of clarifying themselves when sentences become clear." This one made a lot of sense and was very useful.

A Swim in A Pond in the Rain

In Which Four Russians Give A Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life

Saunders, George

This book encouraged me to try to write as well as I can.

The Artful Edit

On the Practice of Editing Yourself

Bell, Susan

Lots of strategies and advice.