The Indianapolis Public Library offers over 10,000 free programs a year. Meet your favorite author, hear a live concert, take a yoga or cooking class, or explore something new at the Library all year long!
A selection of sensory items is available during Library programs for participants who have sensory needs. The items can help minimize discomfort that may be experienced due to bright light, loud noises, or other stimulations. Items are available by request during programs to accommodate a variety of needs and are available to both adults and children.
Browse our online calendar for both online and in-person programs, performances, classes and more for adults, teens, and children.
Join us each summer to explore great stories and earn prizes for reading! Track the time you spend reading, reading aloud, or having someone read to you, including audiobooks. Go to your library, show your progress, and choose your prize! Learn more about the Kids Summer Reading Program
All ages are invited to this annual event for activities that celebrate the African American experience through arts and crafts, ethnic food, and clothes while bringing together different components of the literary world. Learn more about the CBLC Book Fest & Juenteenth Celebration.
Families with young children join us every year at Central Library for a celebration of language and literacy! Activities included concerts, animal shows, storytimes in English and Spanish, and more! They even get to met Daniel Tiger and Katerina Kittycat and take home free books! Learn more about Día del Niño Be My Neighbor Day.
This event, including both a months long exhibit and gala reception, has taken place annually at Central Library for more than thirty years. Learn more about Meet the Artists.
Join us each summer to discover reading recommendations and enjoy our book discussions, art classes, fitness classes, performances, and more! Learn more about the Adult Summer Reading Program.
Enjoy an afternoon of inspiration and cultural entertainment at IndyPL's annual Fall Fest and Slammin' Rhymes Challenge. The event includes a featured guest speaker, local performances, and readings by winners of the Slammin' Rhymes Challenge. Check our site in September and October to get an entry form for the Slammin' Rhymes XVI contest! Learn more about Fall Fest and the Slammin' Rhymes Challenge.
The Marian McFadden Memorial Lecture Series was established after the Library Foundation received a gift from the estate of Marian McFadden, Director of Public Libraries in Indianapolis from 1945-1956. This annual author lecture series, which typically takes place in the Spring, was named in her honor and has taken place since 1978. Learn more about the Marian McFadden Memorial Lecture.