We have thousands of e-comics for kids, teens, and adults to check out instantly with a Library card. We partner with more than one e-comic platform. You can borrow e-comics from Hoopla, OverDrive, and Tumblebook Library.
Need help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch, and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.
Hoopla has comics for all ages. You can borrow 10 Items each month using your IndyPL Library card. If you have never borrowed from Hoopla before Hoopla directions (.pdf) are available as well as a Hoopla video tutorial. You can check out Hoopla e-comics from the library catalog, or if you prefer, you can check out from Hoopla's app:
Hoopla has e-comics from DC, Marvel, Dark Horse and many more. You can search for comics by keyword or browse comic categories on the Hoopla Browse Comics page. Some popular categories include Award Winners, Best of What's New, Comics for Kids, Just Added to Hoopla, and Star Wars.
From Our Staff: See this list of Hoopla e-Comics featuring The Flash and these Favorite e-Comics.
Skip the Wait!
You don't have to put Hoopla titles on hold. You are allowed to borrow whatever titles you want, up to 10 per month. However, if you've already read your 10 monthly borrows, Hoopla frequently offers Bonus Borrows. Bonus Borrows don’t count against your monthly borrowing limit - look for them on Hoopla.
Hoopla Graphic Novel Book Club
A Hoopla bonus feature is the Graphic Novel Book Club where you can find reading guides and discussion questions for your own book club. As long as your book club members have an IndyPL library card and are not at their 10 checkout limit for the month, you can all check out the same graphic novel or e-comic at the same time. What a convenient online library for your book club!
OverDrive has e-comics and graphic novels for all ages. You can on OverDrive's Libby app or in a browser.You can borrow up to 20 titles using your IndyPL Library card. If you have never borrowed from OverDrive before both OverDrive Libby app directions and OverDrive browser directions are available as well as an OverDrive video tutorial and Overdrive Support. You can check out OverDrive e-comics from the library catalog, or if you prefer, you can check out from OverDrive's app, which is called Libby:
Here are some quick shortcuts to OverDrive's e-Comic & Graphic Novel Collections.
Skip the Wait!
When you search for titles in OverDrive you can narrow down your results by choosing the "Available now" option under "Refine" in the Libby app, or by choosing "Available now" from the list of filters on the left side of the website.
The TumbleBook Graphic Novel Library is for readers Pre-K through grade 6. Skip the wait all the time! This collection has no loan limits and no waiting! Here is a wonderful Tumblebook Video tutorial to learn everything you need to know to use the TumbleBook Library.
Receive graphic novel reading recommendation in your inbox monthly. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It's FREE! See a sample issue. Subscribe to NextReads!
Some of our staff's favorite graphic novels they read and enjoyed in the past year.
Paranormal roller derby leagues... That's all. ...Okay, here's more: When Mina gets injured, the only way she'll make it to the Olympics (and get back home alive) is by joining a roller derby team full of vampires. Go into this one expecting a lighthearted, whimsy-spooky ride, and don't take it too seriously. It's super fun, it's full of action, and it's got silly meme references. Recommended by IndyPL_SarahM, Public Services Librarian and 1 other staff
Jane is incredibly plain. Everyone says so: her parents, the villagers, and her horrible cousin who kicks her out of her own house. Determined to get some semblance of independence, Jane prepares to propose to the princely Peter, who might just say yes to get away from his father. It's a good plan! Or it would've been,... Recommended by Orsi M, Circulation Supervisor and one other staff
A graphic memoir that focuses on a pivotal summer as a young Kathy is struggling to figure out a sense of belonging. She has a Thai mother and and American father - so really doesn't quite fit in at her Bangkok school and is looking forward to the annual trip to go to Maine for the summer. Recommended by IndyPL_TamiE, Public Services Librarian