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Indy Library Store: Next Sale April 18-22

interior Indy Library Store

Discover the treasures of Indy Library Store! Find recent bestsellers, classics, DVDs and Blu-rays, music CDs, LPs, audiobooks, and more at discount prices — for adults, kids, and teens!

What is Indy Library Store and when are the sales?

Indy Library Store is a collaborative effort between the Library and The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation to raise awareness and funds for Library programming in all 25 of our branches! The store also serves as a place community members can turn to when it’s time to donate after cleaning out their personal book, CD, and DVD collections.

Funds raised by the store, and by the four online stores it operates, helps fund programs like our Child and Adult Summer Reading Programs plus many more!

Indy Library Store is in the Library Services Center at 2450 N. Meridian St. in Indianapolis. Sales take place nine times a year and include Friend’s Day sales, Half-Price Days, and Bag Days. See the full schedule of book sales. Can't make it to a sale? See details below about how to shop our inventory online.

Price list: adult hardback fiction or nonfiction $3, adult softback fiction or nonfiction $1, juvenile $1, juvenile board books $.25, DVDs/BluRay $2, CDs $.25, audiobooks $3, vinyl LPs $2, magazines $.25, and on Bag Day $10 per bag.

Pro Tips

  • Join the Indianapolis Public Library Foundation’s Friends of the Library group for early access and the best selection.
  • While at a sale, check out Miriam’s Corner for interesting, unusual, and collectible items, including our best quality LPs. In this area, items are priced individually—peek inside the front cover to discover the deal on each book.
  • To get the most bang for your buck, shop Half Price Day (50% off your entire purchase) and Bag Day ($10/bag—and we supply the bag!).
  • Shop Indy Library Store Online as well as our other online stores (on eBay, ABE Books, and Amazon) noted below. You can shop these options 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and support the Foundation!

Shop Indy Library Store online!

Option 1: Indy Library Store Online
At our online store, you’re able to buy directly from us—and if you’re local, save on shipping charges with Local Pickup. Indy Library Store Online carries some of our primo items at prices you won’t be able to beat. Open now!

Option 2: eBay
Our eBay store is the place to go for magazines, CDs, DVDs, and other assorted rarities, as well as books. We tend to keep a smaller, more eclectic, inventory on eBay.

Option 3: ABE Books
Our ABE Books store is where we sell books that are older or rarer. Bibliophiles (book collectors) will find much to like at our ABE site. If you want to browse just Indy Library Store books, select the “view this seller’s items” link in the left side column or enter one of our online catalogs.

Option 4: Indy Library Store on Amazon
Our Amazon store has thousands of items in it—and those items change daily! Local pickup is not available through our Amazon store, only through Indy Library Store Online (Option 1 above).

See you at the sale!

Michael Ehret, Coordinator of Indy Library Store