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Commitment to Diversity

The Indianapolis Public Library evolves with purpose, to meet the needs of a diverse population that looks to us for community and connection. We are a space where all are welcome, accepted, and appreciated. We celebrate being an equal opportunity employer because diverse backgrounds, ideas, and viewpoints make our organization stronger—and our community thrive.

Collection Diversity

The Library endeavors to create a balanced collection that embraces and promotes diversity and inclusion. The collection serves to preserve, promote, highlight and give voice to individuals and groups with varying backgrounds, experiences, styles, perceptions, values and beliefs. Browse our Racial Equity Collection.

Equitable Public Service

One of the many challenges facing American institutions today is the need to acknowledge and examine histories that have resulted in the exclusion of Black, Latina/o/x, Native and Indigenous people, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and other groups with intersectional identities. We recognize the past and share this history. We must work to undo the systems that have influenced library service models and impeded equitable service to underrepresented members of our community. We work every day to establish trust with both staff and patrons. We want to be of service to you and know there is much more to be accomplished.

Climate Improvement Process

In 2021, Ice Miller’s special Racial Equity Solutions team led a comprehensive internal climate review of The Indianapolis Public Library. Even though all recommendations in the 2021 report were satisfactorily completed by yearend 2022, CEO Gregory Hill stated, “The CIP recommendations were not meant to be one-and-done in 2021, or even now in 2024. My goal is that all that we have learned—and all the progress we’ve made now—needs to be infused into all our work. There is always room for improvement.” The Executive Leadership Team decided to revisit that important study and see what progress we have made since the original 2021 findings.

See the final report

Vendor Diversity Commitment

The Library recognizes the value of diverse suppliers in driving innovation, creativity, and project results. We are committed to supporting and encouraging economic growth and business opportunities in Marion County by strengthening the Library's relationships with small business enterprises, and minority-owned, women-owned, disability-owned, and veteran-owned (XBE) business enterprises in the procurement of goods and supplies, professional services, and in the construction and renovation of facilities.

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No More Late Fines

In 2021, The Indianapolis Public Library officially eliminated late fines! Additionally, we waived unpaid late fines for over 87,000 Library accounts. The IndyPL Board of Trustees approved the discontinuation of charging late fines to ensure that The Library would not add any financial hardship for patrons.

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Leading with Equity > Strategic Plan

The Library’s Strategic Plan, initially scheduled to span three years and conclude by the end of 2023, has been extended by one year through calendar year 2024 due to administrative changes. The Board of Trustees approved this extension on August 28, 2023. The new Strategic Plan is slated for approval by the end of 2024.

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